Florida Writers Foundation

 Our Donors                                                                                                                                                                                       

Florida Writers Foundation is fortunate to have the support of our wonderful community.  We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the individuals and the businesses who have volunteered time and expertise, in-kind donations, funds, and Silent Auction donations.  Thank you all!

There are many ways you can help.  For more information on what you can do, please click here.  If you or your business would like to join with us to promote literacy, please contact us.


AirTran Airways

Amici’s Italian Restaurant, St. Augustine

Kevin Anderson

Andretti Thrill Park

Ray Andrews


Dave Barry


Ben and Jerrys

Craig Bergling

Charles H. Bertram

Janet Marie Bill

Carol Blackhurst

Alonzo Bodden

Betty Bogart


Dr. Kenneth D. Boyle, OD

Nadia Brown

Bren Yarbrough Bruhn

Rebecca Randolph Buckley

Busch Gardens

Glenda Busick

Butterfly World

Buy the Book, St. Augustine Book Store

Chalet Suzanne

The Chandlery

Chez Soleil

C. Hope Clark

Chris Coward

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store

Courtney Crawford

Custom Kingdom

Mary Dall

Mary Ann de Stefano

Carol Ann Didier

Discovery Cruiseline

Ronalyn Domingue

Tim Dorsey

Terri DuLong

Eastman Kodak

Linda Eadie, writing as Effie Mae Shearin

Barry Eisler

Alex Evanovich

Janet Evanovich

Rik Feeney

Vallery Feldman

Lynda Fitzgerald

Florida Writers Association

Ann Giesken-Kelsey

Dan Griffith

Shirley Griffith

Gulfstream Racing and Casino

Nancy Haddock

Harbor Hills Country Club

Dena Harris

Jack Hayes

Vicki Hendricks

Kirt Hickman

Darrell House

Jay Humphreys

Janis Ian


Chrissy Jackson

Jacksonville Jaguars

Sue Jones

Harbor Hills Country Club

Kerul Kassel

Cathy W. Lauro

Betsy S. Lee

Karen Lieb

Kodak, Inc.

Anne Linne’

Pam Lontos

Debbie Macomber

Mad About Words

Elissa Malcohn

Stacy Mantle

Mare’s Manuscript Typing

Yvonne Mason

Julie McGlone

Melting Pot in Viera

Brad Meltzer

Miami Dolphins


Joe Moore

Joyce Moore

Tina Murray

Naples Zoo

Bev Nijhawan

Pradeep Nijhawan

Pushpa Nijhawan

Idelia Phillips

Nasus Publishing

Stacey Nemetz

Beverley Nijhawan

Arlene Norris

Orlando Marriott Lake Mary

Jay Osman

Claudette Parmenter


Joanna Petsalis

Plush Puffs

Martha Powers

Dan Poynter


QSS: Quality Support Services

Quillrunner Publishing LLC

N.L. Quatrano

Bal Raj

Rave Motion Pictures, Avenue 16

Randy Richardson

Melinda Richardz Lyons

H.V. Rhodes

Anne Rice

Chris Roerden

Bob Rudinsky

Scenic Cruises

Lynn Sholes

Artie Semler

Pat Semler

David Shoar

Sandy Sinclair

June Singer

SJSO Civilian Law Enforcement Academy Alumni

Suzzette Martinez Standring

R.L. Stine

Jeff Swesky

Jodi Picoult

Premiere Theaters


Kim Pullen

Rave Theatres

Chris Roerden

Penny C. Sansevieri


Sunny Serafino

David Shoar

Shara Smock

Staples, Inc.

R.L. Stine

Kathy Taromina

Vicki M. Taylor

Lisa Unger

Universal Studios

Elaine Viets

The Villages

Vudu, Inc.

Mary T. Wagner

Walt Disney World

Joan West

Maxine K. Westerman

John J. White

Wordfire, Inc.

Wordsworth Editing

Sandra Worth

How You Can Help     

While cash donations are always welcome, there are other ways that you can help Florida Writers Foundation.   As a fairly new charity (established in November 2007), we are all volunteers helping to promote literacy and to enhance writing skills.

FWF is currently seeking more authors to speak in schools during literacy events, as well as producing “Meet the Author” series of videos for the Florida Department of Education.

Below are some in-kind items that we could use to continue our work.  If you’re able to volunteer or  one of these items or services, please contact us.

Professional Videographers, throughout Florida.  We’re looking for videographers who would like to volunteer a few hours  to tape authors speaking within a school or historical setting.  The videographer/video company would be listed in the credits for any “Meet the Author” videos that they help produce, as well as on our website.

Children and Young Adult Authors willing to volunteer to visit a Florida school, historical site, or nature area.  Non-fiction authors are also needed.  Some authors may be asked to volunteer to be an author appearing in one of FWF’s “Meet the Author” videos for the Florida Department of Education.

Silent Auction Items. Any donation for FWF Silent Auction on October 21-24, 2010 will help FWF to raise needed funds.  We will list the donated item or service on our Silent Auction website, with a link back to the donor’s website.   These items will be displayed during the Florida Writers Association’s Writers Conference on October 21-24, where hundreds of writers, editors, and publishers will meet in Lake Mary for a three day writer’s conference.  The FWF Silent Auction link will also be listed in FWA’s eNews to their 1100+ members. Visit our Silent Auction website to find out more.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss any of our needs or events.  We would love to hear from you.