Florida Writers Foundation
Introducing the Florida Writers Foundation
   Who We Are                                                                                                                                             

Welcome to The Florida Writers Foundation Website.  We have come together to share our passion for literature by helping promote literacy.  We bring a variety of talents, interests and skills while sharing a commitment to help.  We are Florida Writers Foundation, Inc. (FWF), a 501[c]3 non-profit corporation formed to promote literacy, as well as enhancing the writing skills of children, youth, and adults. Our volunteers and our partners have already started to make a difference by visiting elementary schools for reading days, sponsoring poetry contests, donating books to under-privileged schools, and contributing funds to middle school writing contests.

   We're so excited to announce our Annual Writers Workshop                                                       

Every year, in conjunction with the FWA Annual Conference, FWF hosts a special fund raising workshop.  This year we are very proud to present Writing Lessons From a Bestseller, hosted by  author Steve Berry - New York Times Bestseller.  He will be sharing the secrets to his success in a day-long seminar
October 20, 2011, at the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary

Would you like more information - including a link to online registration?
Please click here.

   What We're Doing ~ Upcoming Events                                                                                            

Want to know more about us?                                                                                                               

We're an open book. 

Please browse our website or
 Contact Us for more information.