Florida Writers Foundation
Our Mission

We are Florida Writers Foundation, Inc (FWF), a 501[c]3 non-profit corporation specifically formed to promote literacy, as well as enhancing the writing skills of children, youth, and adults. Our volunteers have already started to make a difference by visiting elementary schools for reading days, sponsoring poetry contests, donating books to under-privileged schools, and contributing funds to middle school writing contests.  We partner with Lawyers for Literacy, the Florida Writers Association, Friends of the Library, and the Florida Literacy Coalition on some of these projects.

One exciting new project is FWF’s “Meet the Authors” video series that FWF  will be giving to the Florida Department of Education to help encourage reading and writing among our Florida students.

The Florida Writers Association (FWA, a 900+ member trade association)  is helping Florida Writers Foundation  raise funds.  The Foundation will be hosting a Silent Auction at FWA’s 9th Annual Writers Conference, this October 22nd-24th, 2010. Hundreds of writers, editors, and publishers will gather at the Lake Mary Marriott (Orlando, FL) for a weekend of writing workshops, networking opportunities, and award presentations. This auction will be a featured event, and the  items will be promoted  on FWF’s Auction website: https://fwa2010conference.blogspot.com/.

  Our Board of Directors                                                                                                                        

Karen Lieb, President/CEO

Chrissy Jackson, Vice-President

Anne Linne’, Treasurer

Shara Smock, Secretary

Dan Griffith, Director

Ray Andrews, Marketing Director