The Gift of Reading

As we celebrate another holiday season, gift-giving tops our to-do lists. As writers—and this may be preaching to the choir—we have a perspective on that both personal and universal. Most of us have books on our wish lists. We want books, and constant reading anchors our growth as writers. But asking for books also helps

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Help Needed!

FWF needs the support of an accountant to serve as our Treasurer. Because we are a small organization run by volunteers with no paid staff, we mostly need to track a few expenses, donations, and grant disbursements. It shouldn’t take a lot of your time but will make a huge difference to us! Please visit the Contact

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Coming Soon

Choose a holiday and the color/colors you associate with the holiday Write a short story of 1000 or fewer words Or a poem of 40 lines or fewer Deadline for entry: January 1, 2024 Save the date February 16 @ 6:00 PM/Zoom Presentation of Winners PRIZES First Place: $125 Second Place: One Year’s Subscription to

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