Save the Date for the Second Annual Florida Writers Foundation “Colors of the Holidays” Zoom Workshop.

The Florida Writers Foundation is thrilled that award-winning, Lisa Wheeler, author of Dino-Christmas and Christmas Boot has agreed to be one of our two guest speakers for our Virtual Workshop “Colors of the Holidays” on Saturday, December 4, at 7:00 P.M.. She will share her journey from inception to the completed manuscript,  tips for writing a series, and how she decides to rhyme or not to rhyme in her children’s books. Ms. Wheeler will also answer a few questions from participants as time permits. 

Back by popular demand, award-winning Rob Sanders will do a 10-minute presentation “Bling Blaine: A Lesson In Not Giving Up.”  The award-winning picture book author from Brandon, Florida, recently retired from teaching. Rob serves as the Co-Regional Advisor of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

When Rob Sanders wrote a little Christmas story and sent it off for a
critique he had no idea that it would be published by one of America’s best-loved publishers-Golden Books/Random House. He didn’t know that eight years after that book released he would have thirteen picture books on bookstore shelves and four more slatted for release. And he didn’t know that his little story about three cowboys who celebrated Christmas out on the range would warm hearts and start a writing career. Rob will tell you all about what he didn’t know and what he has learned during his presentation, COWBOYS, CHRISTMAS, AND ME.

Copies of both authors’ books will be available for you to purchase from Tombolo Books in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Please sign up and order early if you want a book before the Workshop.

The workshop is free to entrants in the contest. If you don’t wish to enter the contest but want to attend the workshop, we suggest a ten dollar contribution to the Florida Writers Foundation.



A virtual celebration via zoom

Submission period: November 1 – 30
Entry cut-off is midnight, November 30.
Suggested donation: $10 min
Word Count: 1,000 max prose; 40-line max poetry.

Contest Details:

Submissions are open from November 1st – November 30th. Please consider giving a donation to Florida Writers Foundation, Inc. : the recommended amount is $10.

Write either a short story, memoir, or a poem for your entry. Next, send your submission in the body of your email (no attachments) to ColorsoftheHolidays@gmail.comOne entry per person and only original unpublished works will be considered.  Entries that are not based on Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa will not be considered. All works will be read by three judges.

Winning entries will be published on the FWF website, with the author’s permission.

Florida Writers Foundation Black Lives Matter Statement - The Florida Writers Foundation denounces the systemic and continuing racism affecting the Black community. We are committed to stand with the Black community through our mission of supporting programs that enhance writing skills, create a love of reading, and promote literacy. As writers we can change the world through our words and actions. Black Lives Matter. - The Florida Writer Foundation Board of Directors

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